CTT Advisor Steve Coonen—who resigned from the Pentagon in 2021 over the U.S. Government’s totally ineffective export control regime—is up with a piece in The Wire China.
Although Congress has been warning since 1998 that American technologies are arming China, U.S. export control authorities have done little of consequence to arrest the flow of American know-how to our greatest adversaries. Writes Coonen:
From the export of supercomputers to develop China’s nuclear weapons to the nearly undefeatable hypersonic weapons designed to deliver them; from the liberal transfer of semiconductor manufacturing equipment to the sensors in China’s Great Undersea Wall that can detect U.S. submarines in the Taiwan Strait, U.S. technologies have been vital to China’s military advancement.
One would think that U.S. export control officials would move fast to close these loopholes. They haven’t, instead meagerly adding Chinese entities to blacklists without recognizing (or, more likely, exhibiting willful blindness to) how China can manipulate the U.S. system. To Coonen, “export control officials extol their action as a badge of efficiency rather than acknowledging it was their failed policies that permitted exports to China in the first place.” Read Coonen’s piece in its entirety here.
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