State Momentum Builds to Ban Chinese Technology

State Momentum Building to Ban Tech from China and Russia

Georgia Gov. Kemp Signs Law to Ban Chinese Government-Owned Tech Manufacturers
(Read the law)

ALEC Passes Model Policy to Prohibit State Contracts with Chinese Tech
(Read the policy)

Florida Gov. DeSantis Adopts Toughest Rules Yet
(Read the Summary)

The Problem:

Vulnerable technology with ownership ties to the government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has been restricted by the federal government but is still being used by states. This could mean the Chinese government, which preys on American consumers’ high U.S. demand for Chinese-made products, has access to sensitive personal and financial information, which is of significant value to such an adversarial government.

AP News: Cyber firm: At least 6 US state governments hacked by China

Wall Street Journal: China Escalates Efforts to Influence U.S. State and Local Leaders, Officials Warn

The Solution:

As awareness grows among state lawmakers, momentum is building state-by-state to close this state-federal tech threat disconnect by prohibiting state agencies from contracting with any company owned or operated by the Chinese government.

CTT MemoFour State Policy Ideas

Heritage Foundation, Michael Cunningham, “Why State Legislatures Must Confront Chinese Infiltration

CTT Blog: Dr. Layton, Rep. Momtahan Join Rep. Fine to Discuss the Perils of State Contracts in Miami

CTT Blog: Florida Adopts Toughest Rules yet to Protect People and Organizations from Chinese Government Intrusion.


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