The U.S. Cannot Continue to Export Dual-Use Technologies to China

By Steve Coonen As anyone who has seen the new film Oppenheimer can attest to, the U.S. government has historically gone to great lengths to prevent military tools from falling into the hands of our adversaries. So why is the federal government continuing to rubber stamp the export of dual-use technologies to our greatest adversary? Dual-use technologies are those which can be used for both military and civil purposes. Some items common to both civilian and military hardware, such as nuts, bolts, screws, seals, etc., pose no national security concerns. But others do. For example, the seemingly innocuous carbon fiber filament used to make high-performance brake pads is also the same material used to manufacture nose cones for ballistic missiles.… Read More

PLA in Your iPhone? CTT Launches New Site on the Implications of Apple’s Negotiations with Chinese “National Champion” YMTC

Late last month a report surfaced that Apple is in talks with China’s “national champion” semiconductor maker, Yangtze Memory Technologies Co. (YMTC), to provide chips for its next iPhone. This week, China Tech Threat (CTT) is launching a new site to track Apple’s negotiations with YMTC, what’s at stake for the U.S. from national security and economic standpoints, and how policymakers and experts are reacting. “Apple is the most valuable brand in the world, and the choices it makes send important signals,” Dr. Roslyn Layton explained. “Apple’s partnership with YMTC would put the Chinese military in the iPhone, one of the most popular devices in the world. This deal would threaten Americans’ privacy and security, undermine semiconductor jobs in democratic… Read More